and so i watch you from afar

jettison (reissue) - ltd white edition


LP  €  29,99
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With new album Megafauna ahead and almost 20 years in the game, Ireland's experimental cult weirdos And So I Watch You From have always absorbed new ideas and pushed the boundaries of their intricate and ecstatic guitar-based Posteverything-compositions. But nothing in their repertoire comes close to the ambition and scale of their 2022 multimedia long form ensemble piece project Jettison. Conceived by And So I Watch You From Afar's guitarist Rory Friers and brought to life by the band, orchestrator Connor O'Boyle, the Arco String Quartet, and visual artist Sam Wiehl, Jettison is a fusion of ASIWYFA's life-affirming musical acrobatics, the sweeping grandeur of film scores, and the surreal and sublime capabilities of moving pictures. The Jettison ... read more