• 1.1. dragon
  • 1.2. plancton
  • 1.3. kyrie nikolai
  • 1.4. ciao
  • 1.5. spaghetti alla milanese
  • 1.6. vt de sac
  • 1.7. preludio balsámico y chacona
  • 1.8. batiscafo
  • 1.9. agua de colofonía
  • 1.10. así es
27. März 2020

paniagua, gregorio



LP  €  31,99
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Über diesen Artikel

HIGHLIGHTS "Batiscafo" by Gregorio Paniagua is one of these elusive treasures. First released in 1980 on Hispavox, the album disappeared after a short run and no further editions in any format have been available until now. Paniagua is a classically trained musician and scholar of music with an extensive and fruitful history of researching, recording and rediscovering ancient music and has toured across the world to great critical acclaim. In 1980 he shut himself off from the world every night for a whole month to record "Batiscafo": a record that seeks to emulate Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells and which vanished all too soon, becoming the Holy Grail of Spanish experimental music. "Batiscafo" anticipated a wave of avant-garde Spanish music in the 80s ... mehr lesen