trixie and the trainwrecks

too good to be blue/get busy living


7"  €  6,99
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TRIXIE AND THE TRAINWRECKS - Too Good to be Blue/Get Busy Living 7"-Vinyl-Single Folk Blues and Garage Beat Trash with Dusty Raw Roots played from the Hardest Working Gal in Rock'n'Roll Showbusiness, blue-collar honky tonk and folk-laced Blue Suede Shoes Trash up the Night Trixie and The Trainwrecks play blues and folk the new way with the battle scars of the old themes. From San Francisco and London via Berlin here comes some loud, over-driven, bittersweet, rip your heart out and wear it on your sleeve garagepunk blues. Working class folk blues from the church of Bluestrash. Trixie Trainwreck shreds her guitar and kicks out the jams on her bass drum and hihat while Charlie Hangdog blows his brains out on harmonica. They take it as it comes and play ... read more