07. Dezember 2012
Label: CLOUD
Genre: Indie

morris, jacob



LP  €  16,99
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Jacob Morris is from Athens, Georgia. He started playing cello in Austin, TX at the age of four, and played with his musical family until he left home. The unique music community that is Athens attracted him years back. and since then he has supported some of its finest musicians and songwriters playing cello, guitar, bass, and keys with artists such as Ham 1, Vic Chesnutt, Liz Durrett, Madeline, and currently Patterson Hood of the Drive-By Truckers. Taking cues from the psychedelic pop and folk of this robust scene, Jacob has crafted a stellar debut with his Moths album. A beautiful voice--reminiscent of Elliott Smith, Love is Overtaking Me-era Arthur Russell, and John Cale--paired with a timeless songwriting sense that evokes reflection and ... read more