• 1.1. wall of confusion
  • 1.2. lord cubensis
  • 1.3. black mamba pt.1
  • 1.4. black mamba pt.2
  • 1.5. minds abyss
  • 1.6. lies
  • 1.7. beast and prey
  • 1.8. searching




LP  €  19,99
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CD  €  13,99
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LP  €  23,99
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The Stockholm trio's eponymous full-length is just about as good as it gets for all the groove it's giving. As the record spins, its hypnotic gaze takes us back through the maze of time, surrounding us in the electrically charged haze of the feel good era. It sounds for all the world like this could be a contemporary of Ozzy and the boys, though it never condescends to full-on Sabbath worship. No, Hazemaze has found their own way, niching somewhere between the early styles of doom that manifested on both sides of the Atlantic, though I hasten to add "slow, blues-infused hard rock" might be a better descriptor than straight-up "heavy metal." That is, unless this exciting release had come out in the seventies. Back then, it would have been considered ... read more