30. Juni 2017
Label: FELTE
Genre: Indie




LP  €  19,99
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price incl. VAT , excl. shipping


CD  €  14,99
Not in stock. Delivery in Germany in approx. 12-14 working days depending on availability with the supplier.
price incl. VAT , excl. shipping

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We've all been there before: stuck in the wrong place at the right time. In Au.Ra's case, Tom Crandles and Tim Jenkins both walked to the wrong Sydney campus for a TAFE class on audio engineering. Once they realized no one else was going to show up-- and the fact that the right classroom was in another neighborhood--the future collaborators were forced to talk about their shared interests. As the conversation wore on, Crandles and Jenkins both realized they were at a crossroads musically. And since they seemed to be on the same page sonically, the potential for a new project felt particularly strong. Limitless even, so they started rehearsing to see where some improv sessions would lead. The duo didn't want to rush their first record, though. It took ... read more