15. November 2019
Genre: Indie

spalding, oliver



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"Novemberism" is the debut album of 23-year-old UK artist Oliver Spalding. As with his debut EP "Unfurl" (2017), the album was written and recorded with producer Ed Tullett (Novo Amor). Built around Spalding's staggeringly beautiful voice, the record is full of melodic, immediate songwriting and arresting electronic production. Asked about his choice of title, Spalding explains, "To be melancholy all year round is to suffer from Novemberism." And indeed, these 11 tracks are woven together with a common thread of heavyheartedness. Even the more upbeat songs, like title track "Novemberism" and "Bow Creek", which drive and glisten with intoxicating pop hooks and 80s era synths, recall the darker undercurrents of classic New Order. Says Spalding, "The ... read more