16. Juli 2021
Genre: Metal

fragment soul

axiom of choice


CD  €  14,99
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The debut album of Greek metallers! Feautiring guest vocals to all songs by Heike Langhans of Draconian! Corfu, is a beautiful island at west-side of Greece, where many movies are filmed in the past, among them the famous James Bond's "For Your Eyes Only" of 1981. 40 years later another worldwide release is coming from this island, but in music. The debut album of Fragment Soul "Axiom Of Choice", a prog/doom masterpiece, featuring in old songs a guest appearance by Heike Langhans of Draconian! 4 long tracks (approx. 10 minutes each!), with a progressive, doom, dark, hard sound that will love every metal/rock fan! A concept album, that represents a journey through romance, torment, fear and, at the end of it, an unexpected tranquility that drives the ... read more