09. Februar 2024
Label: TROST
Genre: Free Jazz


afro blue


CD  €  19,99
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Saxophonist Mats Gustafsson is notorious for his prolific nature and constantly expanding circle of collaborators, but few of his partnerships have been as powerful and profound as GUSH, the Swedish trio which formed way back in 1988 and celebrates its 36th anniversary in 2024. The performance here was captured live at the famous Stockholm jazz venue Fasching on December 17, 1998, and the music excited all three musicians when they revisited it lately. Viennese guitarist Martin Siewert mastered the recording for maximum punch. The clarity and depth are remarkable, but ultimately it's the performance itself that's most astonishing. The album is named for the Mongo Santamaria tune, which John Coltrane famously made his own, and the 19-minute account ... read more